From the Chair What's New @MizzouGeog? Last Monday Morning Email of the Semester!!! 5.3.21 What's New @MizzouGeog? 4.12.21 What's New @MizzouGeog? 4.5.21 What's New @MizzouGeog? 3.22.21 What's New @MizzouGeog? 3.15.21 What's New @MizzouGeog? 3.8.21 What's New @MizzouGeog? 3.1.21 What's New @MizzouGeog? 2.15.21 What's New @MizzouGeog? 2.1.21 What's New @MizzouGeog? 1.25.21 What's New @MizzouGeog? Welcome to Spring 2021! What's New @MizzouGeog? 12.7.20 What's New @MizzouGeog? 11.9.20 What's New @MizzouGeog? 10.26.20 What's New @MizzouGeog? 10.19.20 What's New @MizzouGeog? 9.28.20 What's New @MizzouGeog? 9.21.20 What's New @MizzouGeog? 9.14.20 What's New @MizzouGeog? 4.6.20 What's new @MizzouGeog? 3.2.20 What's New @MizzouGeog? 2.3.20