
We would like to highlight a couple of the funds that we have established to help support Geography and Geographers at the University of Missouri!

Communicating Geography Fund

Scientific discovery and geographical exploration are only influential if we are able to effectively communicate research results with other scholars and the public.  By focusing explicitly on enhancing communication, we enable our students and faculty to participate in those professional conversations that can help ensure their scientific and scholarly contributions are significant and enduring.

Your gift to the Communicating Geography Fund will help support conference travel, our ability to bring high profile speakers to the MU campus, and community outreach.Travel funds increase our ability to present research findings at professional conferences and expand the professional networks necessary to effectively engage in complex, social and environmental problems.

Enhancing our speaker’s series allows us to bring a broader spectrum of researchers and practitioners to campus. Community outreach ensures that we engage with the public in helping them understand what professional geographers do regarding research and teaching.

Geography Field Research and Exploration Fund

Geography Field Research and Exploration Fund

When students experience a concept for themselves, their grasp of the material is enhanced. Fieldwork is critical in molding strong and effective students of geography, and our students have conducted research throughout the U.S. and in other countries such as China, Senegal, Peru, and Canada. Fieldwork has been proven to develop subject-specific and transferable skills, promote active learning, and link theory to real-world applications.

Unfortunately, funding restrictions are reducing the opportunities for these types of formative and stimulating learning experiences. Because most travel is self-supported, the cost remains prohibitive, and many students must alter research questions to fit their budgets.

Your gift to the Geography Field Research and Exploration Fund will help support both classroom- and field-based research. With extra funding, the department could significantly expand grants to support the types of research experiences that our students are most passionate about.