Doug Hurt
Doug Hurt

Ph.D., Geography, University of Oklahoma
M.A., Geography, University of Missouri
B.S., Education, University of Missouri
Geographic patterns resulting from attachment to place and the homeland concept; geographies of public memory, heritage tourism, and popular culture; K-12 Geography teacher training; sport and regional identity
Geog 1100/Regions and Nations of the World I
Geog 2120/United States and Canada
Geog 2130/Geography of Missouri
Geog 2340/South America
Geog 2710/Economic Geography
Geog 3140/Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean
Geog 3510/Historical Geography of North America
Geog 3780/World Political Geography
Geog 3800/Geography of Travel and Tourism
Geog 4990/Senior Seminar in Geography
Hurt, D. with Jeffrey M. Widener and Gary Gress. 2019. The Geography Fieldwork Imperative: Strategies for Designing K-12 Field Experiences. Research in Geographic Education 21(1): 26-44.
Hurt, D. with Adam A. Payne. 2019. Postcard Imagery and Geographical Imagination along the Lincoln Highway. Material Culture 51(1) 1-20.
Hurt, D. 2018. Baseball Stadiums and Urban Reimaging in St. Louis: Shaping Place and Placelessness. In Explorations in Place Attachment, ed. Jeffrey S. Smith, pp. 151-166. London: Routledge.
Payne, A and Hurt, D 2015. Narratives of the Mother Road: Geographic Themes Along Route 66. Geographical Review 105(3): 283-303.
Hurt, D. 2014. Cartographic Influences on the Shaping of a Creek (Muscogee) Homeland in Indian Territory. In Mapping Native America: Cartographic Interactions between Indigenous Peoples, Government, and Academia, Volume II, ed. Daniel G. Cole and Imre Sutton, pp. 67-94. Charleston, S.C.: CreateSpace.
Hurt, D. with Jeffrey Widener. 2013. The Starbucks Experience: Percolations from Mexico and the United States. Illinois Geographer 55(2): 17-42.
Hurt, D. with Ajax Delvecki, Adam Payne, and Gary Gress. 2012. Oklahoma Tourism Along Route 66: Pioneers, Perseverance, Community and Freedom. Material Culture 44(1): 31-49.
Hurt, D. with Ajax Delvecki, Adam Payne, and Gary Gress. 2011. Roads Less Traveled: Emerging Tourism in Peru. FOCUS on Geography 54(1): 11-23. (with Jeffrey S. Smith).
Hurt, D. 2010. Reinterpreting the Washita Battlefield National Historic Site. Geographical Review 100(3): 375-393.
Hurt, D. 2010. Highway Expansion and Landscape Change in East Tennessee. FOCUS on Geography 53(2): 72-80.
Hurt, D. 2006. Teaching and Research in Historical Geography: A Survey of U.S. Practitioners. Historical Geography 34: 71-85.
Hurt, D. with Michael L Wallace. 2005. Teaching American Indian Geography and History with New Perspectives: The Lodge Pole River Project Example. Journal of Geography 104(5): 187-193.
Hurt, D. 2005. Dialed In?: Geographic Expansion and Regional Identity in NASCAR’s Nextel Cup Series. Southeastern Geographer 45(1): 120-137.
Hurt, D. 2003. Defining American Homelands: A Creek Nation Example, 1828-1907. Journal of Cultural Geography 21(1): 19-43.