Hua Qin
Hua Qin

Ph.D., Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (Environmental and Resource Sociology), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Population (migration) and the environment; vulnerability and adaptation; community and natural resources; research methods and data; sociology of environmental and resource sociology
I am an environmental and natural resource social scientist with emphasis on human population dynamics and sustainable development. I have a diverse academic background in sociology, geography, demography, environmental science, as well as mixed (quantitative and qualitative) and spatial methodological research. My interdisciplinary training and research experience focus on analyzing social and cultural aspects of natural resources and environmental systems.
RU_SOC/NAT_R/SOCIOL/PEA_ST 1120: Population, Environment and Sustainability
RU_SOC/NAT_R/SOCIOL 4370/7370: Society, Environment and Natural Resources
RU_SOC/NAT_R/SOCIOL 8287: Seminar on Sustainable Development
RU_SOC 8436: Community, Natural Resources and Sustainability
Qin, H., H. Brenkert-Smith, J. Vickery, C. Sanders, and C. G. Flint. 2021. Changing perceptions and actions in response to forest insect disturbance in north central Colorado. Journal of Forestry (forthcoming).
Qin, H., Y. Prasetyo, M. Bass, C. Sanders, E. Prentice, and Q. Nguyen. 2020. Seeing the forest for the trees: A bibliometric analysis of environmental and resource sociology. Society & Natural Resources 33(9): 1131–1148 (featured with four commentaries).
Qin, H., E. Bent, C. Brock, Y. Dguidegue, E. Achuff, M. Hatcher, and O. Ojewola. 2018. Fifteen years after the Bellingham ISSRM: An empirical evaluation of Frederick Buttel’s differentiating criteria for environmental and resource sociology. Rural Sociology 83(1): 6–23.
Qin, H. and T. F. Liao. 2016. Labor out-migration and agricultural change in rural China: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Rural Studies 47(Part B): 533–541.
Qin, H. 2016. Newcomers and oldtimers: Do classification methods matter in the study of amenity migration impacts in rural America? Population and Environment 38(1): 101–114.
Qin, H. and M. Grigsby. 2016. A systematic review and “meta-study” of meta-analytical approaches to the human dimensions of environmental change. Human Ecology Review 22(2): 109–136.
Qin, H. and T. F. Liao. 2016. The association between rural-urban migration flows and urban air quality in China. Regional Environmental Change 16(5): 1375–1387.
Qin, H., P. Romero-Lankao, J. Hardoy, and A. Rosas-Huerta. 2015. Household responses to climate-related hazards in four Latin American cities: A conceptual framework and exploratory analysis. Urban Climate 14(Part 1): 94–110.
Qin, H. 2015. Comparing newer and longer-term residents’ perceptions and actions in response to forest insect disturbance on Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula: A longitudinal perspective. Journal of Rural Studies 39: 51–62.
Qin, H. and C. G. Flint. 2012. Integrating rural livelihoods and community interaction into migration and environment research. Society & Natural Resources 25(10): 1056–1065.
Romero-Lankao, P., H. Qin*, and K. Dickinson. 2012. Urban vulnerability to temperature-related hazards: A meta-analysis and meta-knowledge approach. Global Environmental Change 22(3): 670–683 (*corresponding author).
Qin, H. 2010. Rural-to-urban labor migration, household livelihoods, and the rural environment in Chongqing Municipality, Southwest China. Human Ecology 38(5): 675–690.