What's New @MizzouGeog? 4.13.20

Good morning, everyone—

I’m going to cut right to the chase, because I’ve got quite a bit to share this morning!

  • Our End of Year Celebration is so nice we’re gonna do it twice! The virtual version will be held on zoom on Reading Day, May 8 at 3:30 p.m. The planning committee (Abby Hunt, Griffin Johnson, Alex Ringling, Madeline Clarke, Dr. Hurt, Dr. Foulkes, and myself) is putting together a really fun event that includes the regular awards and bookings, but also some surprises in store. Please mark your calendars! You will receive a personalized zoom invitation in the relatively near future.
  • At a time to be determined in the fall, likely in coordination with MU’s “makeup” commencement, we will hold an in-person version of our End of Year celebration on campus to fete all of our grads, complete with brats, burgers, and a concert by the Urban Coyotes. We will try to schedule this at a time that is convenient for people to come back to campus, so be on the lookout for more news on that.
  • Also, this week (or early next), be on the lookout for your customized MU Geography spiral-bound notebook. This will be snail-mailed to the home address you have on file with the university. If you don’t receive one in the next two weeks, just let me know. Thanks again to Dr. Hurt and Debbie for coming up with the idea and putting this together. They look pretty snazzy!
  • As we navigate through these uncertain times, it is important to remember that even though we may be geographically far apart, our community remains close and strong. In hopes of producing an Arc Online map to show the dispersion of our department in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, please consider filling out this SHORT form to let us know where you are! Take Poll Here. All answers are anonymous. Thanks to Abby Hunt and Tom Vought for making this happen!
  • I introduced Mr. Joe Franklin as the new undergraduate geography advisor last Wednesday, but I’d like to extend a Monday morning “What’s New” welcome as well!
  • For all you gamers out there, don’t forget to join the Geography Club Discord server! You can join here: https://discord.gg/Husdam5


I think that’s it for now. Wherever you may be, whatever you may be doing, I hope you are rockin’ and rollin’ and letting your freak flag fly high!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUFPWW7IqCU

