Enroll in Geog 1600: Climate Change - Science and Public Policy

#Exploretheworld this semester @Mizzou!

This course is meant to serve as an introduction to the complexities surrounding climate change.  We explore the role of physical science, environmental politics and public policy in shaping public debate concerning climate change, why aspects of the science remain controversial, the prospects of institutional action and the difficulties inherent in developing public policies to solve this incredibly challenging problem.  The last three weeks of the course students participate in a role-playing simulation where they become the head negotiator for one of the countries involved in the United Nations climate negotiations held in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2009.

Professor: M. Urban; T-Th 3-4:15pm

  1. Introduce the fundamental principles and concepts underlying scientific investigation of complex environmental systems.
  2. Introduce students to the complexity associated with environmental problems that combine elements of physical science, social science, and public policy.
  3. Use a role-playing simulation to put students in charge of determining the fate of an international agreement on climate change.