What's New @MizzouGeog? 2.15.21

Soren Larsen

Good morning frozen people,

I didn’t think it could get any colder…then it did! This is pretty miserable. The campus has shifted to remote operations through 11:59PM today. Do not come to campus—the wind chill (heck, the actual air temperature) and fresh snow make it particularly dangerous to be outside/on the roads right now. For faculty who are teaching classes today, please let your students know if you will be meeting synchronously or if activities will be asynchronous today.

Early registration for Summer/Fall 2021 begins Monday, March 8, so start planning for your classes! Dr. Doug Hurt is available for big-picture discussions about your future in Geography, such as your emphasis area, career readiness and plans after graduation, as well as other items important to you.  E-mail him (hurtd@missouri.edu) and you can meet in person, on Zoom, or have an e-mail discussion. Dr. Matt Foulkes (foulkesm@missouri.edu) is your point of contact for internship questions.  He can help you arrange course credit for an internship or brainstorm about possibilities.  Often, our department’s MSDIS (the Missouri Spatial Data Information Service) has non-paid internships (from 1-3 credit hours) available that involve cartography.  Contact Tom Vought (voughtth@missouri.edu) to discuss MSDIS opportunities. Finally, Mr. Joe Franklin (jpfranklin@missouri.edu) is your academic advisor.  Plan ahead, make an appointment, and map out (pun intended!) your classes well before your registration window opens.

I have a special call to make to all undergraduate majors: please, if you are so inclined, spread the word about the Geography major, minor, and certificate programs! You are the very best ambassadors for our program. As you know, there are so many things you can do with a geography degree (see http://www.aag.org/careers), and so many cool geography courses to take here at Mizzou…plus, faculty and staff who really do care about each and every student. Tell your friends and acquaintances to consider a geography course, especially if they are interesting in anything with a spatial, environmental, or international dimension.

As a reminder, this afternoon we will co-host (with Women’s and Gender Studies) a research talk by Gabriella Nassif (University at Buffalo), who is a candidate in our search for a post-doctoral position in feminist geography. Her talk is talk entitled, “Laboring Spaces: Migrant Domestic Workers in Beirut, Lebanon” today at 2PM Zoom: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/98522732432?pwd=aEdPV3BWdkdvQ0k2bitCaHBZSjdhdz09.

On Friday, the second candidate in our search for a post-doctoral position in feminist geography is Aida Guhlincozzi (University of Illinois). She will deliver her talk, ¿Hablas Español? Constraints encountered by Latina immigrant women seeking linguistically appropriate health care in the Chicago suburbs,” at 2PM this Friday afternoon, February 19 on Zoom: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/91043714188?pwd=ZFVDQk1uY1ZuQTVoNFBoZUlWQjQrUT09

Everyone is welcome to attend these talks—the intellectual energy of these two up-and-coming scholars is sure to make this stretch of frigid weather much more bearable!


